Too many tools and trinkets and not enough space; sound familiar? If you’re finding your home is sinking in more bits and bobs than the shops at Christmas time, it’s time to conquer the chaos with our de-clutter tips.

The new year is fast approaching, and along with it usually comes a myriad of wishes and resolutions. We pledge to ourselves to lose weight, go on a health kick, quit smoking, or learn a new hobby. But, how about starting at home and rolling out some de-clutter tips and tricks. And, the beauty with this; you can start anytime of the year!

According to a survey conducted in the U.S. by Nielsen Customized Research for eBay, the average household has 52 un-used items throughout the home. These items include anything from clothing to electronics, toys, furniture and more. [1]

Typically, our homes could do with a little de-clutter from time to time. A neat and tidy abode means maintenance is easier to keep on top of and productivity is more streamlined. De-cluttering is a great way to kick this off.

We know that busting out the dustpan, broom and polishing cloth is probably not priority number one this festive season. But, if you want to give your productivity a kick up the proverbial and boost your energy levels for those other shiny new resolutions, it’s worth giving our de-clutter tips a crack. Why? Because the new year is a great time to evaluate what is important and set intentions for the future. There is no better time to start than now.

But, where to start?

The first important step of our de-clutter tips is to set yourself an action plan. Make a clear vision of what you want to achieve and then set about breaking it down into mini-projects or tasks that are easy to tackle one at a time. Remember that de-cluttering involves items that are front of house as well as those that have thoughtfully stowed ‘out of sight, out of mind’.

The Junk Drawer

As a perfect example of out of sight clutter; we all have that random junk drawer. This is a dedicated hub for collecting pens, paper clips, batteries, buttons, pins, keys, note pads and other odds and ends (heck knows where those come from half the time!). Devoting time to clean this bower bird nest of randomness will free up that area and make the space look more like a drawer again. And, you will be able to find your keys in an instant – win, win!

* Tip: rectangular takeaway containers are the perfect size for pens, pencils and keys and usually fit nicely into a drawer (not too high).

The Living Room De-Clutter Tips

Identify the areas where your clutter tends to accumulate. Generally, areas such as under the coffee table, beside the lounge, on the side table, in the TV cabinet, etc. Start by taking stock of the clutter and get rid of what you don’t need.

  • recycle the old magazines you have read three times over
  • bin the remote batteries that “might” have life left in them
  • store remaining items in organised baskets rather than piling clutter on top. This keeps the items accessible and tidy instead of being an eyesore
  • if you have accumulated a collection of CD’s, which are just more dust collectors these days anyway – think about transferring the music to iTunes and donating those as well

Bathroom De-Clutter Tips

As one of the most frequented rooms in the house, the bathroom is an invitation for clutter:

  • empty out the medicine cabinet of expired potions and lotions
  • dispose of the face cream which has turned a nice shade of yellow instead of white, or make-up that never gets used
  • get rid of stray bobby pins from previous visitors and hair ties now too stretched to use
  • throw away the old cleaning cloths and brushes that are losing their bristles

Once clean and crisp, give your bathroom a mini makeover with fresh, new towels. Add a little life to the party with an indoor plant that will thrive in the wet room environment.

* Tip: finish off your bathroom de-clutter project with revived cabinetry or a new splashback – see here

Other De-Clutter Tips

Other general areas that deserve some dedicated attention as part of our de-clutter tips include the wardrobe, kitchen pantry and entry foyer.

Wardrobe De-Clutter Tips

Ask yourself:

  1. when was the last time you wore it?
  2. will you ever wear it again (e.g. does it fit, is it age-appropriate, is it still in style, does the colour still suit you)?
  3. has it seen better days?

Kitchen Pantry De-Clutter Tips


  1. the expiry dates of goods – discard those out of date
  2. do you need more appropriate storage to help de-clutter (baskets, mason jars, spice racks, etc)?
  3. do you really need all those platters or vases on the top shelf or could you donate some of those to charity?

Entry Foyer De-Clutter Tips

  1. replace clutter on the foyer shelf with a happy, healthy plant to welcome you as you get home
  2. get a shoe rack to house shoes instead of having them sprawled all over the floor
  3. is there any space to create a mini mud room to the side of your foyer if this area is over worked?

We are not going to lie. Successful de-cluttering involves dedication, a moderate amount of effort and some devoted time. But, give it a good crack and you will have a home that feels more streamlined, clean and fresh – completely worth the effort you put in.

With our de-clutter tips, you will be on your way to a new home and increased motivation for the new year, in no time at all.

Once you have tackled a successful de-clutter, you’ll be able to truly see what lies beneath and maybe a splash of paint is just what the doctor ordered to freshen things up even more. Contact the team at Highlands Hand Painting on 1300 662 112, submit an online enquiry, or visit us at 12 Graham Hill Road Narellan NSW to discuss your custom handnpainted project.



  1. BusinessWire: Average U.S. Household Has Over 50 Unused Items Worth Over $3100 According to eBay/Nielsen Survey